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my computer got a blue screen and a bios failed to load error after i downloaded this, is it safe?

nah this game was actually amazing. thank you for uploading this it changed my life


i love this game man


Made an account just to say how much I love this game. It's so good, keep up the good work.

how to modding in meatball the mite?

idk why but the fullscreen in the new version isn't working, it just puts the tab in the corner


hey, just tried the new version. I have 1 tinyyy note on the map. Could you possibly label the warp points when you are zoomed in on an area?  Like from Throatia to Limben, label the blue exit with “Limben”? 

It’s much better now but that would still help some confusion 

Made a video 


Fun!! Hope to see more 

will the soundtrack be released at some point?

this is so fun!! Totally gives me Metroid vibes, exploration is top notch

My only feed back - I wish the map would show borders. I get it makes exploration more challenging but it’s just really confusing. Also, I wish I could zoom out and move the map a little faster 

Thank you! And yeah, I will be giving the map borders and experiment with a zoom in a QOL update after the jam ends, with some new tiles too!

Would be great, Also kinda a world map to know how sectors connect and like label the warp points on the map, This games deserves some post-jam love!

hey pin! can you put the old demo version of paintvale back to your page? please?

Good game 👍

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Will you re-release PT Pre-Alpha Recreation 2.5?

Edit: NVM the game is apparently restricted, but how can people access it? I want the game cause I don’t want to play it in and or any shitty websites.

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I can't attack, even though I keep pressing the X button!


Search around... maybe the teeth will give you a clue..

great game

you so crau cray built in 12 day made precisely with love and care muah Keep It Up Baby!



muy bien juego se nota el esfuerzo que le pusiste al juego